Celebration of World Refugee Day: United in Diversity

08 September 2024

This year, JRS BiH celebrated World Refugee Day with diverse and inspiring activities highlighting the importance of solidarity, unity, and mutual understanding. Our events aimed to involve all participants and celebrate the cultural diversity that connects us all.
“We All Fit Together” Workshop
In Blazuj camp, we organized a workshop titled “We All Fit Together.” Participants were invited to draw whatever they wanted, and in the end, we combined all the works to create one complete picture. This activity symbolized how each individual belongs to this world and emphasized the importance of community and solidarity.
Picnic in Martin Brod
We started the celebration with a picnic in the area of Martin Brod. Twenty beneficiaries attended the event, where we played various games and enjoyed a barbecue. The goal of this activity was for participants to spend time outside the camp Borići in a natural environment so they wouldn’t feel isolated but instead be like all other members of the local community.
“Taste of Different Cultures”
In the Collective Kitchen at the Ušivak camp, we organized a joint cooking activity and competition called MasterChef. This activity allowed participants to share their culinary traditions and flavors from their countries, creating a sense of community through food.
Psychosocial Activities for Minors
At the Reception Center for Unaccompanied Minors, we held psychosocial activities that reminded them of the importance of dreams and the rights we carry with us. These activities aimed to provide support and boost young refugees’ confidence.
Barbecue in Bihać
We also organized a barbecue with our beneficiaries in the yard behind the Day Center in Bihać. The Day Center is a place where beneficiaries are always welcome and can find refreshment, comfort, support, mutual empowerment, and respect. With beautiful weather and delicious food, participants enjoyed socializing and relaxing outdoors.
Second Day of Celebration
The second day of the World Refugee Day celebration was marked by sports activities such as football, volleyball, and dancing. Through these activities, we further strengthened the spirit of community and mutual support.
World Refugee Day is significant to us as it reminds us of the strength and resilience of refugees worldwide. Through these activities, we want to show that each of us has a place in this world and that we can build a better society together.